My dining room has been transformed into “Zoom Central”. The table is my laptop’s home and it’s covered with books, toys, and supplies for video chats with my grands. It’s working out just fine, but I wondered if watching me sit in the same spot each time might get a little boring. Sure, I could move to another room. But even better would be a total change of scenery and I’ve discovered how to do that without moving a thing. In fact, with help from Zoom I recently traveled with my long-distance grandkids to a fabulous, fantasy kingdom. I’m going to show you how to get there, too, and follow with some activities for a royal tour. Read more
For many of us, December’s going to be pretty quiet this year. We might not get to see our grandkids, and that’s a pretty big deal. There’s also the small things I know I’m going to miss, like shopping at holiday times, for instance. I’ll miss the atmosphere, the store displays and the browsing. Truth be told, COVID19 has put a quite a kink in all of our holidays, including our grandkids. So what can long-distance grandparents do to help? I’m thinking a little enhancement of FaceTime is in order. Let’s turn that regular chat into a mini virtual home shopping spree. So roll up your sleeves, throw open those closet doors, display cases and plastic containers. We’re going to take the grandkids on a holiday gift hunt!
Virtual Home Shopping with Grandkids
First, a few thoughts about why this kind of remote holiday gifting can be so special.
It’s a nice opportunity to share your interests and passions.
Kids love to make their own decisions, so what could be better than choosing their own gift(s)?
You’re a living instruction book who can explain how to use the gift or take care of it.
You’ll get to see your grandchild enjoy something that you’ve enjoyed. (Note: I got that idea from my mother).
Finding home treasures for gifting
For a virtual home gift hunt, you need… things that could be gifts! I stumbled on one source by accident. My grandkids and I happened to be going on one of our virtual home tours during a FaceTime chat. We “entered” my art room. WOW! Talk about excited. “This is better than Michaels!”, they exclaimed. In an instant, I transformed myself into the Vanna White of art supplies. Drawers were opened and shelves were explored. What was their favorite, you might ask? Answer: the bead boxes.
So many beads! So many colors! After a quick parental approval check, I laid out the boxes on my art table so they could choose their beads. Using my cell phone, I slowly scanned each box. In very serious tones, they directed me to the beads they wanted. As each bead was chosen, it was carefully set aside. Afterwards, I sent their prized beads, along with some beading string, in the mail. Success!
What I learned right out of the gate is that the things we use without thinking, might be treasures to our grandkids. Carrie, for example, is an avid quilter. Quilting is pretty synonymous with fabric saving. Now, can you imagine how much fun it might be to go on a fabric shopping spree with Savta (grandma), even if it’s remotely? In the hands of her grandkids those fabrics could be anything from dress-up clothes, craft supplies or basic tent material.
So think about what you do. Then consider what you use to do.
Just remember, whatever kinds of things you pick for your virtual home shopper, keep in mind age appropriateness and get parental approval.
Gifts from your collections
Another great source for virtual home shopping is your collections. I happened to be very fortunate to receive my mother-in-law, Frances’s, huge collection of second hand jewelry. To be sure, it was the stuff of legends! Because of her tireless efforts, many friends, former coworkers and local charity organizations own some fun, zany, “Franny” jewelry. Although I gave a great deal away, one of the things I did set aside was a large group of her pins (the photo is a selection). I had my grandkids in mind.
Now clearly, this collection is for older grandkids who can safely enjoy using the pins. But, let me tell you, I just can’t wait until my grands are ready for me to share them. In fact I’ve even discovered lots of ways the pins can be used when the time comes.
So what kinds of collections do you have? Need ideas? Here are some items to consider for gifting:
scarves, hats, gloves or shoes for dressing up
collectables like figurines, tea pots, snow globes, holiday items, comic books, travel souvenirs or trophies
books of special interest
a musical instrument you’re no longer using
pretty much anything else, let your grandkids be the guide
Wrapping it up
WIth holiday plans most likely changed this year, we’re all looking for alternative ways to connect with our long-distance grands. I hope you’ll have fun with this idea! My guess is it will be memorable.
Do you have any other ideas for a virtual shopping trip? Please let us know!
One final word. Virtual home shopping can be done at anytime. You could even start out with something fun in 2021!
When I discovered the game, OuiSi®, I just knew it was going to be one of my favorites! OuiSi® is a game about making connections. It’s perfect for long-distance grandparenting because that’s what we do! It can also be played in a variety of ways, which is a real plus for adapting to our video chats.
What is OuiSi®?
OuiSi® (pronounced, “wee-see,” meaning “Yes”, in French and Spanish, of course) is a box game with 210 beautifully photographed cards. Most are easily visible on a video chat. Each one is carefully composed with a fresh view of common objects. Moreover, these intriguing photos seem to invite you take a closer look, as if you’re using a magnifying glass.
There’s a corner of my dining room table where I collect things to send to my two, far away grandkids. Each item is selected with its recipients in mind. On delivery, we have something new to do and talk about. I love each part of the process. It feels like I’m sending a “postal hug,” since the real thing isn’t possible. However on one fateful mailing, all didn’t turn out as planned. Yes, another long-distance grandparenting blooper was in the making.
Here’s the details: I filled and sent one box or envelope every couple of weeks. The contents changed based on the season, and what my grands were learning. Most importantly, the package items were meant to be shared.
This system worked very well. Until, that is, one particular FaceTime chat with them. I Read more
With all the art supplies I’ve accumulated, it’s ironic that one of my favorite things to use is as close as my hand. Literally. And for anyone who feels, not so confident in their artistic ability, fingers can be better than brushes! Ask your grandkids: they naturally use them all the time! What do they know that we may have forgotten? Long-distance grandparents – creativity is at your fingertips!
Let’s start with a basic fingerprint. By itself, it’s a lovely oval shape. But, if we add just a few lines and then play with color and repetition, we open up a whole new world. Our fingerprints can become animals or plants or imaginary thing-a-ma-jigs. They’re also perfect for video chats with our grands, because the shapes are simple and the lines are easy to see. And, I’ll show you how to use them for games, too! Read more
We’re delighted to introduce the first in a continuing series of, “Long-Distance Grandparenting Bloopers.” That’s bloopers, with an “s”. Clearly, there’s more to come, so stay tuned!
And now for this week’s post. The reality is that for all our good intentions and preparation, there are just going to be times when things don’t go so well on video chats. In this case, it turned out to be quite a cliff hanger.
A little background – years ago I created and performed puppet shows with a few friends. Along with their pet dog, the puppet family (including grandparents) began their lives as socks. All were lovingly homemade. In addition, it should be noted that our shows at community centers were well received. I share this fact, because it’s highly relevant to this post’s blooper. Read more
Like many long-distance grandparents, the last time we visited with our grandkids was in the winter. That is, unless I count yesterday’s virtual visit with our granddaughters. Both virtual visits included storytime using video chat to read Pete the Cat, The Incredible Avocado and Goodnight Moon. In fact, each grandchild followed every word and giggled along as I tilted the phone to cover the key parts of each page.
To try virtual storytime with your grandchild, here are some ways I keep it simple and special for different ages. Read more
My friend Carol, a long-distance grandparent herself, is growing vegetables in her garden.* (Check out her fabric pots above). I caught that “grow-your-own food” bug, too. Not in a big way, mind you. It’s more like a “dip your toe in the dirt” version. Still, I’m in awe of how each plant grows. My grandkids get excited about this, too! While gardening virtually with my grandkids, I hope to help them discover new ways to appreciate the wonders of nature. With a long distance between us, my creativity is being put to the test!
There’s lots of information online about gardening with kids, so I’ve taken a different approach. Instead of trying out random activities, I focused on ideas that would hold a child’s screen interest. Most of the ideas below can work with the simplest of gardens: from pots on a windowsill to a large backyard garden. Your grandchild might also have a home garden. If so, then try some of these together! Read more
Dawn’s Inspiration The journey to visit my grandkids begins in an airport. Being a long-distance grandparent, was not what I had envisioned. I imagined weekend visits and celebrations together. But that’s not how it worked out. So how could I create a special connection with my far away grandkids?
I needed a role model and lucky for me, while growing up I had one. She was my “Grandma from Chicago” (yes, that’s what we called her). Grandma was one-of-a kind. She was zany, outspoken and always on trend. You could talk to her about anything! Because she was a long train or plane ride away, visits were infrequent. But they were always memorable! In between visits, she even made our phone calls fun. Read more