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Smiles Beyond Miles: Long-Distance Grandparenting Bloopers. Photo of puppet which turned out to be a blooper


We’re delighted to introduce the first in a continuing series of, “Long-Distance Grandparenting Bloopers.” That’s bloopers, with an “s”. Clearly, there’s more to come, so stay tuned!

And now for this week’s post. The reality is that for all our good intentions and preparation, there are just going to be times when things don’t go so well on video chats. In this case, it turned out to be quite a cliff hanger.

A little background – years ago I created and performed puppet shows with a few friends. Along with their pet dog, the puppet family (including grandparents) began their lives as socks. All were lovingly homemade. In addition, it should be noted that our shows at community centers were well received. I share this fact, because it’s highly relevant to this post’s blooper. Read more

Smiles Beyond Miles- Reaching Out to Parents, helping stressed parents by watching grandkids.


As long-distance grandparents, we look forward to precious video chats with our grandkids.  In fact, we’d probably be thrilled to Facetime almost daily! But each video chat needs parents’ help to set things up.  These days, parent(s) are strapped for time and juggling more roles then ever.  So how can we connect with our grandkids, when their parents have such challenging schedules?  For one thing, we can try reaching out to our grandkids’ parents and start a conversation.

But before you call, think about how hard it was to raise kids. We know how demanding it can be. When parents talk, try to listen. Really listen. How could we ever have imagined what parenting would be like for them now? Read more