Smiles Beyond Miles| Long Distance Grandparenting - Virtual Story Reading for Young Children, Five books for video chatting


Like many long-distance grandparents, the last time we visited with our grandkids was in the winter.  That is, unless I count yesterday’s virtual visit with our granddaughters.  Both virtual visits included storytime using video chat to read Pete the Cat, The Incredible Avocado and Goodnight Moon.  In fact, each grandchild followed every word and giggled along as I tilted the phone to cover the key parts of each page.

To try virtual storytime with your grandchild, here are some ways I keep it simple and special for different ages.

Virtual Storytime with Young Grandkids: Getting Started

  • A cozy spot with good lighting and no distractions.  Pets are welcome.
  • Your smartphone or tablet.
  • Four or five books your grandkids will enjoy.
  • Your favorite video chat app such as FaceTime, What’s App or Skype.
  • A smartphone or tablet holder that’s easy to move around. Phone clamps or tripods (see Sophie’s choices below) make it easy to tilt the phone for super simple page viewing. Also, they’ll keep your hand from getting tired.

Smiles Beyond Miles| Long Distance Grandparenting: Virtual Storytime with Young Grandkids. Books for video chatting Sophie the Cat with cell phone tripod

Keep it Easy

  • Plan ahead. Ask mom or dad  for a good time for virtual reading.  Virtual story time works best when no one is in a rush or thinking about the next activity.
  • Include a few books your grandchild already is familiar with and also a few new ones. In addition, you can offer books you read to their parents when they were young. Before you start, share why the book was so loved. Make that a part of “the story.”
  • Charge your phone.  Although this sounds obvious, how often do you run out of charge while talking to grandkids?
  • Before you begin, show your grandchild your small book collection via videochat.  Let them choose the book to read.
  • Go slowly.  Read slowly. Allow time for reactions, giggles, related (or unrelated) chatting – that’s a win!

Books for Video Chatting

For toddlers, choose books that include

  • Favorites that your grandkids already know and love like Goodnight Moon.
  • Brightly colored pictures with one or two sentences per page.
  • Rhymes or songs.
  • Stories that make your grandkids giggle.
  • Sizes that are easy to hold such as board books.

Remember that toddlers like reading the same books over and over AGAIN!  They love the familiarity of favorite a story and enjoy completing the sentences.

For preschoolers and kindergartners, select stories that

  • Try to solve a problem.
  • Have only pictures so you can make up the story together.
  • Encourage counting or thinking about numbers so you can “play” together.
  • Are about feelings or challenging times.
  • Include silly poems or rhymes like Dr. Seuss books.

Preschoolers and kindergartners are beginning readers at various stages of this very fun milestone.  They might enjoy reading the words with you.  So in addition to the illustrations, point your camera to the words.  This will provide the opportunity for them to read to you.  For example, Mo Williams’ Elephant and Piggie books are great for this since each character has a different colored “bubble” of text.

Let the Grandkids Lead

Most importantly, follow your grandkid’s lead!  They will catch on quickly.  Soon, they will ask you to read them a story when you are video chatting!

Once you get the hang of it, you can try books that include an activity like yoga in Good morning, Yoga.  As you add activities, try different ways to hold the tripod.  You might set it on the floor. Then, you are able to watch each other doing the activity from the book.  Of course, there’s a bit of juggling involved to do the poses while reading.  You’ll soon see that creativity always wins!

Making Virtual Storytime Work for You

For more great information about reading to kids of all ages, check out this article.

Since COVID rocked our world, video chat apps have changed the meaning of “visiting” grandkids.  So, whether you use FaceTime, What’s App or Skype, these apps help bring your grandkids’ even closer, making virtual visits with storytime and other shared activities easy and fun.

So, give it a try and let us know how it goes!  If you’ve found a tip for making virtual storytime work, leave us a comment  or click on the title of this post.

Happy Virtual Storytime!

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