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Smiles Beyond Miles: Virtual Read-sharing with School-aged Grandkids. Photo are the words read books on a lap top.

Virtual Read-sharing With School-age Grands

Grandparents, we have lots to offer our grands when it comes to reading! Given our experiences, we can help them navigate the route to fun and engaging reading. With our school-age grandkids, virtual storytime is like a partnership. I like to call it, “read-sharing.” Put another way, vIrtual read-sharing is like Uber.  And, virtual read-sharing with school-age grands delivers smiles beyond the miles.

For tips about reading with school-age kids, I turned to my daughter-in-law up north (nDIL), master teacher and elementary school reading specialist extraordinaire.  For bonding at a distance with reading, I checked in with my mom and cherished long distance grandparent. Read more