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Tag: crafts for fairy gardens

Growing a Fairy Garden for Long-Distance Grandkids. Smiles Beyond Miles|Long-Distance Grandparenting. Photo of a fairy garden.


There are few things as enchanting to both children and adults as a fairy garden. It’s a magical mix of fairy tale, doll house and nature, set in a miniature garden. Each person’s imagination guides the design. When I decided to create one, I knew that my long-distance grandkids wouldn’t be able to see it in person. But guess what? The magic translates well to the video chat screen. Both of my long-distance grandkids ask to see it each time we talk, giving commentary as the little fairy garden grows. And who wouldn’t be thrilled to hear a granddaughter describe my fledgling efforts as, “The Fairy Garden of Love”?

What I hadn’t anticipated when I started this all, though, was just how addictive this craft could be. So I’d like to give you a little heads-up along with a smile. With apologies to Emily Dickinson and other real poets, I share the following: Read more